Climate Chance Conference Africa #CCCA2023

23-24 October 2023 – Yaounde, Cameroon

In Africa, faced with the challenges posed by global warming, increasing urbanization,
the housing crisis and access to energy, both urban and rural housing must reinvent
themselves and find waysto be resilient.

This situation calls for integrated strategies to promote sustainable, inclusive and
accessible housing for all.

All players – national authorities, local governments, entrepreneurs, formal and informal
players, local populations – have a role to play in bringing about these transformations
in representations and,in building and living practices.

The theme of sustainable, accessible and inclusive living, thus represents a key topic at
the heart of local climate action.

In this context, the Climate Chance association is proposing a multi-actor mobilisation on
the African continent by organising the Climate Chance Conference Africa « Sustainable
Habitats and Climate Change » in Yaounde on 23 and 24 October 2023, at the Institut
Francais in Cameroon.

A wide range of African and international partners and networkswill be involved in the
Yaounde event including: UN-Habitat, the OECD, the City Climate Finance Gap Fund, the
Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA), GIZ, AFD, UCLG Africa, ICLEI Africa,
West African Development Bank,etc.

The conference will be a major event on the international climate agenda. Included in the
Urban October agenda,it is also part of UN-Habitat’s World Urban Campaign (WUC).It
will therefore be an opportunity to deliver the key messages from the Yaounde Roadmap
for Sustainable Habitat in Africa – a summary and advocacy documentthat will be based
on the analyses of the Observatory for Climate Action in Africa and the recommendations
drawn up collectively at the event – at COP28 in Dubai, as well as at the forthcoming World
Urban Forum 2024in Cairo.

Among the high-level soeakers who will be present: Celestine Ketcha Courtes, Minister of
Housing and Urban Development, Cameroon; Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director
of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat); Walters Tubua, Head
of Regional Collaboration Centre Lomé, UNFCCC; Richard Munang, Deputy Director of the
UNEP Africa Office; Jean-Pierre Elong Mbassi, Secretary General of United Cities and Local
Governments (UCLG Africa); Stéphanie Njiomo, Ambassador for the Global Pact for the
Environment in Cameroon and Central Africa; and many others!
As a part of our call for contributions, a vast campaign launched in June, more than 250
projects, best practices and innovations from climate action project leaders across Africa
were received.

The conference will also be an opportunity to discover these new initiatives, exchange
with the actors on the field and the experts involved in our major annual event on the
African continent.
All the information, including the programme and registration details, can be found on
our website here.

Romain Crouzet, Managing Director [email protected]
Virginie Foucault-Rougé, Director of Communication [email protected]

About Climate Chance
Since its creation in 2015, Climate Chance brings together all of the actors involved in the
implementation of the objectives of the international Agendas on Climate, Biodiversity
and Desertification, in keeping with the Sustainable Development Goals. It is the only
international association seeking to connect all non-state actors from Europe and Africa,
working on the acceleration of local action: from local governments, businesses, and civil
society organisations, to the media, researchers and citizens.

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